In vitro culture  in an anaerobic chamber
Cultivation of strict anaerobes

Cultivation of strict anaerobes

The laboratory is recognized internationally for its expertise in the cultivation and isolation of strict anaerobes, in particular microorganisms of the digestive tract of animals and humans (bacteria, archaea, fungi).

The laboratory is equipped with bench systems allowing us to cultivate strict anaerobes in liquid or solid media (roll-tubes) according to the technique described in the 1960s by Robert Hungate for bacteria and in the 1970s by William Balch for Archaea. We also have three anaerobic stations including one equipped with a real-time oxygen analyzer (atmosphere generally <10 ppm oxygen).


Medium distribution under CO2 flux

The « Hungate » technique : In vitro culture under CO2 flux

Pressurization area: Culture of hydrogenotrophs under 2 bar pressure of H2/CO2
